Wanted to experiment with cross-hatching. I'm a bit rusty but it was still fun.
It took a long time.
Spent the hours thinking about my story (not to mention the fact that Dree's neck is too long) and what scenes feel visually dynamic. Thought about the architecture of Greenwood Academy. It has always felt "Edwardian" to me. Love the red brick (reminds me of the red dirt in PEI) and old stone archways.
This is a door that I photographed while at Reed College in Portland last summer. The plaque above the door should read "Doyle" but I changed it to "Taylor".
Not sure why Dree is sneaking into Taylor Hall...perhaps there is something for her to find?
My upstairs office, AKA The Retreat, has become my official workspace. For Mother's Day, I received a new iMac. After 10 years of being a PC customer, I've finally made the switch. I'm sure once my files have been transfered, it'll be all worth it. Fun part? Creating an inspirational space. Now that my books are organized, I'm ready to move onto my "boards".
This is my map for my fictional boarding school for teen athletes. I might have made the lettering too small or crammed too much into a tight space. I will try again using a more open style to see what I get.
Elly thought the map would be perfect for inside the front cover. Don't you love books with maps?