The next book on my bedside table is Theodosia and the Serpent of Chaos, Robin La Fevers. Great title and great book (visually speaking). My mother-daughter book club was planning on reading this but then I had to drop out because my 13 year old son was requiring a great deal of sup
port in his first year of junior high (AKA Year from Hell). So, it's been sitting on my bookshelf waiting for the perfect moment to read it to my daughter. Since she's heavy into Magic Tree House right now, I've decided to move on and read this book myself.

Now onto a newbie. The Opposite of Invisible by debut author Liz Gallagher. She's
also a blogger on Through the Tollhouse, a great writing blog for those pursuing writing for kids/teens. It's one of my favorite blogs because of all of the fantastic writing nuts and bolts. I think the contributors are all Vermont College MFA graduates. The book looks great and I love reading what's new out there.

So there are my next three books. The first three didn't disappoint and I'm sure these won't either!
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